Center for Bible Exposition, Language, and Translation

“Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist…” Ephesians 6:14       

CBELT - Training Preachers, Teachers and Translators

CBELT is working in South Asia and Eastern Europe to help train others for Bible translation, exposition and both Greek and Hebrew languages. Our goal is to see more preachers, teachers and translators properly equipped to bring the Bible to the many unreached people groups in South Asia and Eastern Europe.

Soon we hope to publish our catalog of classes here and even offer online registration!

CBELT is a nonprofit ministry. As you can imagine, there are costs incurred to be able to have space to teach in, good licensed materials as well as high quality profesional and well educated teachers. Please click the “GIVE” button at the top if you are interested in supporting our work.

Please feel free to browse our website using the menus above.  If you have any questions, please use the “Contact Us” link also at the top of the page.

CBELT Group Photo
CBELT Group Interaction Photo
CBELT Big Group Teaching Photo
CBELT Small Group Study Photo
CBELT Big Group Study Photo c